At Macedonia Primary School we model our students to meet 21st Century challenges, Academics achievements and being responsible citizens in our community. Most of our Grade VII alumni are being admitted to best schools across Tanzania. Students do get opportunities to enhance their skills and talents through different programs established at the Campus. The school has been securing great ranks at regional and national level on academic excellence.

Students get to develop other skills and hobbies along with spectacular academic achievements. Among other skills to enhance includes:

  • Practical Computer Skills                             • Class Parties
  • Special Visitors                                               • Hand Skills
  • Sports and Games                                          • Study Tours.
  • School Bonanzas

The aims of our Primary School are to provide a safe, happy and stimulating environment for children to develop their learning. We work in partnership with parents and provide a curriculum for the primary education.

We are committed to providing positive role models for all children in our care. Furthermore, we aim to instill morals and values to enable your child to continue through school with the necessary skills to promote life-long learning.

We advocate a sense of belonging and strive to develop self-esteem through fun, love, respect, teamwork and equality. We celebrate our success with great pride

Many of our children move on to better Secondary schools. We have good links and a well-established transition program with them.



P.O. Box: 24673
Location: Segerea-Bonyokwa, Dar es Salaam
Telephone: 0677047699 / 0713 404839 / 0677 047701

Useful Email Address

General Information:
Head Teacher:

Admission Check Form